The autumn season is a time of harvesting and storing for the winter. It is a
time of changing seasons and with this, the weather moves from hot
and dry to wet and cold. During this changing of seasons, we see many people
getting colds and cases of flu so we need to build up our immune system.
Traditional Chinese Medicine refers to this change as summer being the Fire
element and autumn being the Earth element then the metal element.
The Earth Element is about the spleen, pancreas, and Stomach. The
systems to focus on are the digestive and immune systems for the physical
body and for the spiritual/emotional having trust/faith in that all will be fine
and work out in your best interest. Worry and overthinking are negative
emotions that negatively affect these organs weakening them for
when we need them most.
Tips for your best defense is to get your body moving. All exercises are good
and so are long walks, especially after dinner. Shaking for about 5 minutes
will get your lymphatic system, digestive system, endocrine system, etc…
flowing. In the morning it wakes them all up for the day. So turn on your
favorite tune to move to and start shaking. Remember to wave your hands
in the air like you don’t care. This can also be a great Netflix break to
help you to stay focused on the show. I have an excellent exercise called
the Lymphatic Swing. Best exercise in my opinion. It is on my YouTube
Once again make sure you tell these systems and organs you love them.
Remember to have faith that all will be the best for you. When focusing on
the spleen imagine it turning from a dark and dirty yellow to a bright yellow
like a canary. What you are doing is programming your body to get these
toxins out.
The metal elements we focus on are the lungs and large Intestines. Letting go
is this time of year. It is all about receiving and giving away. The
The respiratory system is the focus of the physical body and the
spiritual/emotional side is about not holding onto grief, sadness, or
loneliness. It is about having the courage to move on.
Tips for the metal element season will be to keep warm and dry, especially
around the throat, shoulders, and chest. The Lungs are the most fragile
organ so be gentle. Breathwork is important and breathing through the
nose should become a habit. The nose helps to regulate the temperature and
filter the air going into the lungs, among many more reasons for nose
Breathwork exercises are many so practice the way you like, just
do the practice. I love the healing breath as it is my go-to when need to
relax/calm down. Breathe out twice as long as you breathe in. Start by
breathing into your belly for 4 seconds and then breathing out for 8
seconds. Expand on the timing as you get better. This type puts more
oxygen into your blood cells.
For exercises, I have two on my YouTube channel that are great for this
season. The Lung Swing helps you let go and is a gentle exercise for
anyone. It is especially wonderful for women over 40 years old. It is one of
several exercises to help prevent breast cancer. The Steel Buddha Belly
exercise is a stand-up/sit-up that strengthens your core muscles and lower
spine. When doing these exercise or sending love to your lungs and large
intestine you need to picture a radiant white light entering them. When
releasing imagine a dirty greying colour in these areas turning into that
radiant white light.
Keep yourself warm and dry, eat right, do these exercises, and you
should have an excellent chance to prevent sickness. Prevention is the
best cure and Medical Qigong is your best prevention.